Sunday 29 January 2012

 Hi again! Sorry it has been a few days. Time is flying by too fast already me thinks! The weekend is over, but that’s ok because I am starting school tomorrow! Yesterday, my family and I - expect Julie because she was at a friend’s house - went to our other house in a country village called Poulciaux which is about 30 km out of Aix. I have put photos on my face book because I can't figure out how to do it on here! It’s a town of about 900 people, and is very sweet. There are vineyards in every directing, but they all look a bit skeletal in this winter season. Jean and I played the play station - well he played, I watched, because I suck at that kind of thing! We watched a movie in French too, but I’m not exactly sure what was happening - oh well, I’ll watch it again in a year. For lunch we had home-made 'French fries’, German sausages with mustard cream and a salad. Then we had lemon tart, and two other tarts that jean and I had walked to get from the local bakery.

We couldn't stay the night though, because Jean had a rotary meeting with the local club at 9 the next morning about his exchange in September - he is going to Australia woop woop! i went as well to meet all the Rotarians who have helped make this trip possible for me. turns out I sat there for a few hours trying to understand what was happening! Je ne compriands pas!!! Oh well, there were free croissants so i was happy. Then the mic was passed around and we had to introduce ourselves and say a few words. i was literally the only foreign person there, so i had to get together in my mind what i could say – in french.
i said: "bon jour, Je m'appelle Danika. J'habite à Aix en Provence, mais Je viens de l'Australie. j'ai dix-sept ans, et je parles tres peu le francais, pardon. Je suis content avec mon famille. merci beaucoup". this says: "hello, my name is danika. i live in Aix en Provence but i come from Australia. i have 17 years, and i speak very little French - sorry. I am very happy with my family. Thank you a lot”.

Yay for Danika!

After the rotary seminar, my family and i went out for lunch in a pretty classy joint. P.s everyone puts their elbows on the table! And French people aren’t arrogant, they’re really nice! Little bit of trivia for you.  Anyway, i had sushi. Oh wow, it was amazing. Then we went for a walk and voila! Here we are, the weekend is over and i only have like... 356 days left in France :’(
Until next time, au revoir xxx


  1. Bonjour Danika - I am very happy that you are doing this - so many people have been asking after you - now they will be able to hear it all from the horse's mouth! Loved skyping with you this morning. Looking forward to hearing more of your experience - enjoy the first day of school today. Love Mum xxx

  2. I'm going to really look forward to reading your blog. Sounds fun so far.
